Environmental Conservation
Environmental conservation practices
Environmental sustainability is the ability to maintain an ecological balance in our planet’s natural environment and conserve natural resources to support the wellbeing of current and future generations. In terms of environmental conservation, monitoring the activities which interrelated with environment then do the risk assessment and getting appropriate solutions for keeping up the sustainability is preferred.
The Marginalized Organic Producers’ Association has established an environmental committee to look after the environment while keeping eye on sustainability. The committee has planned many of activities which participated with members to protect the environment and sustainable use of it. The committee has consists of two No; s of representatives from each region for bringing the attention to each region in an efficient way. The environmental committee is led by General Manager of the association who has been constitutionally powered in taking of administrative steps of the association which support to activate required projects in environmental conservation and sustainable use of it. The frequent risk assessment might take necessary steps in conservation and sustainable use of environment.