Spring Rehabilitation Project

In 2023, environmental committee has decided to rehabilitate a natural spring in southern region namely “Mahamade Ulpotha” at “Ambagahaya” Village. The natural spring is available from long time ago and giving good quality irrigation water for paddy fields. But with the time it was polluted and not giving such amount of water at the moment. Paddy farmers in the village has faced difficulty of paddy farming due to not having sufficient water amount at correct time. Hence all of paddy fields which was fed by the aforesaid spring are abounded at the moment. Main reason for not giving such kind of service by the natural spring as previously done is blocked the Channel by Sands, weeds and some other obstacles with the time.
Environmental committee of marginalized organic producers’ association is willing to rehabilitate the natural spring and its environment which can give good quality required amount of water for paddy farming located in downward in a sustainable way. The first step of the rehabilitation project will be launched on 20th September 2023 at same place by growing different kind of trees around the natural spring which would support to lift up the water table as well as replenishing the spring. Also, the planting perennial trees would be supported to activate the “Kattakaduwa” well in manner as established tank system by our ancestors.

All members of environment committee will come to the site with representatives of the Sri Lankan Government who is willing to join with the event of rehabilitation of the natural spring which would be benefited by paddy farmers in the village.
All of participants will start the event of rehabilitation project chaired by the district secretary. Environment committee willing to plant 60 numbers of “Kumbuk” trees around the spring as an initiative step of the project. Also, will have a visit around the village and suggest improvements of the project for better outcome in different angles of view.
Secondly environmental committee is willing to take necessary steps to clean the channel leads to Paddy fields by removing Sands, weeds and some plants debris from the channel. Also, the committee may can fund with other sources for making some construction if required for minimizing water leakage from the channel. All of these activities will be examined by qualified staff for betterment of the project and assurance of sustainability.
Also, the committee is willing to restart approximately 15 acres of paddy cultivation after 10 to 15 years which was irrigated by aforesaid natural spring. Marginalized organic produces Association promote organic farming, hence all these benefited farmers would be encouraged to be an organic farmer. Environmentally friendly face of running would be reflected with incorporated by organic paddy farming and rehabilitation of natural spring with this project. Also, with the high inflation of the country, the project will support benefited farmers by facilitation a chance to get required main food of their meal at lower cost.
The event will be organized by the extension manager who represent the southern region namely Mr. Wijesinghe and “MOPA” coordinator Mr. Upali Gamage. Kindly invite everybody who wish to join with us to make sustainable environment around us for better life of human beings.
Event Details
Organizer : MOPA Ecology Team
Start Date : 2023-01-01
End Date : 2024-12-31
Event Venue
Venue : MOPA Oiice
Address : Marginalized Organic producers’ Association Kapuwatte Estate, Pahalakadurugamuwa, Diyathalawa, Sri lanka
E-mail : info@mopalk.org
Phone : +94 817 551780