Democracy & Participation
Making a better platform for democracy, participation, transparency in decision making among members.
The highest decision making body is the general assembly of the association which ensured a better platform for democracy, participation, transparency in decision making. The general assembly held with representatives of each village society and elected board members annually at desired place with early notification. All of policy decisions, development plan, and financial budgets are approved in the general assembly passed with majority.
The regional bodies bring their requirements to the general assembly which were flew from individual members via society meetings and any other appropriate ways. Always association helps/promotes members come with own initiative ideas for better outcome. Each member can raise their right and bring the requirement to village level which move forward to regional body. Finally it comes to general assembly.
The association has a gender policy which makes better sound for non-discrimination while opening the access for both woman and man for standing for their rights. Also many of leading positions of committees in the association are held by participation of woman in decision making level.